
Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to grow bougainvillea from cutting

How to grow bougainvillea from a cutting

I am not a professional gardener but someone who enjoys pottering in the garden. Sometimes friends and passersby would stop to gaze at the bougainvilleas and ask, “How do you manage to get that lovely bloom?”
So, I thought I’ll share the little I know about growing this plant. Actually there is no secret formula.

Cascading blooms


1. Choose a cutting from a free flowering variety. This is important as it will ensure that you get more blooms rather than leaves.
2. Get about 6 inches long cutting from a matured stem.
3. Strip the leaves from the cutting.
4. Dip the root side of the cutting in rooting powder.(optional)
5. Insert about a third of the stem in a pot filled with potting soil.
6. Stabilise the cutting and water the soil. It is important not to disturb the cutting during the growing period.
7. Leave it in the shade for about a month for it to root.
8. Transfer it to a bigger pot. Once stabilised it must be placed in a sunny place. Bougainvillea requires plenty of sun to provide you with that beautiful blooms.
1. If you intend to plant bougainvillea in a big pot, place the pot on bricks or hollow brick blocks to prevent the roots from growing into the ground. If the roots grow into the ground the plant may produce more leaves than flowers.
2. Water regularly and fertilise it once a month. Loosen the soil to aerate the roots.

Hope the information is useful. Happy gardening!

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