
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Kuih rose: A nyonya recipe

Kuih Rose: A nyonya recipe
Recipe courtesy of Angeline Wan

I had just settled back into the comfort of the sofa after a sumptuous meal of delectable rojak, mouth-watering satay and savory tomato rice with chicken curry when a soft voice drifted to my seat.

"Like to try some Chinese New Year cookies?"

I looked up. My niece was holding a jar filled with kuih rose. As I glanced at the golden brown cookies and caught a whiff of the aroma that wafted from the open container, I knew it was an irresistible offer. I was soon relishing the sweet crunchy cookies that just crumble in the mouth.

"Must get the recipe from Angeline," I told my wife.

My niece was soon sharing her mum's secret recipe
while my wife tried to make a mental note of the  ingredients and measurement. 
My wife was surprised to find out that her mum had used the 'agak-agak'(rough estimation) method for her measurement and unlike most other kuih rose recipes she did not  use the all-purpose flour.  Angeline said she had always used her mum's recipe and the cookies had always turned up nicely.
Having tried the sweet crunchy, tender crispies with their unique coconut fragrance, we did not require further assurance. 

A 'honeycomb' of kuih rose made by Angeline

Things you may require

A kuih rose brass mould

1. Kuih Rose brass mould
2. A hand-held whisk
3. Wire sieve
4. Wok
5. Oil for deep frying


1. 3 cups rice flour
2. 1 cup sugar
3. 3 eggs
4. Thick coconut milk(santan) from one coconut  


1. Combine the sugar and coconut milk.
    Whisk until sugar has dissolved completely.
2. Add in the eggs.
    Whisk until well blended.
3. Strain mixture through wire- mesh sieve
4. Add the sieved rice flour and stir to form smooth
    batter. If too thick add water until you get the 
    right consistency.
5. Heat oil in a wok.
6. Preheat the brass mould in the oil.
7. When mould is hot enough, dip it in the batter.
    Make sure only the side and bottom of the mould  
    is coated with the batter.
 8. Return the mould to the hot oil in the wok.
    Let the batter turns golden brown and dislodges
    itself from the mould.
9. Remove and drain on paper towel.
10. Let the cookies cool down before storing in  an
      air-tight container.

Time to snack on the addictive kuih rose


  1. Hi can I check how much in kgs for the coconut milk as I intend to purchase the tetra-pack ones?


    1. Hi,
      Sorry for the late response. Was busy with CNY prep. and just saw your comment. According to Angeline she has not used the coconut milk in the tetra-pack before. She uses the thick milk of one whole coconut and slowly adds it to the batter until she gets the right consistency.
