
Monday, February 3, 2014

Nyonya sarong kebaya and peranakan pantun

Nyonya sarong kebaya and peranakan pantun

By C S Wan

Photos courtesy of Lisa Lim

Update with more photos and video

Sarong kebaya and pantun ( Malay poetry ) are synonymous with  the traditional peranakan culture.
In the old days, it was common to see the nyonya in their sarong kebaya, however, today the nyonya signature attire has been reserved mainly for special occasions.
The older generation of peranakan were also adept at berpantun and would often exchange extemporaneous pantun (berbalas pantun) when they performed the ronggeng or dondang sayang and even their  everyday conversations would sometimes be interspersed with pantun.
Recently, my niece, Lisa with her sis and cousins,  elegantly attired in their beautiful sarong kebaya, posed for a photo at the Ramada Plaza which she posted on Facebook .

Nyonya manis

 She also penned a pantun to accompany the photo of the bevy of Melaka nyonya beauties. The pantun generated a lively exchange of pantun among our family members. I am glad and proud that they have all shown keen interest in preserving their peranakan cultural heritage.
With Lisa and the others kind permission, I have posted  photos of my nieces in their sarong kebaya and a selection of pantun penned by the nyonya and baba.

A bevy of Melaka nyonya beauties

A selection of pantun penned by the nyonya and baba

Lisa Lim: Tinggi tinggi pokok pinang
                 Tinggi lagi pokok kelapa
                 Cantik cantik anak Pulau Pinang
                 Cantik lagi nyonya Melaka

Joon Wan:  Anak bermain di tengah bendang
                   Lari-lari jatuh terluka
                   Sarong kebaya memang cantik dipandang
                   Apalagi dipakai nyonya Melaka

Fiona Lim: Sorong papan, tarik papan
                  Buah keranji dalam perahu
                  Anak-anak nyonya, cantik menawan
                  Apatah lagi, pada tahun baru

Xhen Song: Budak budak main bunga api
                    Orang tua main judi
                    Pakai kebaya setahun sekali
                    Bila mo gayakan lagi

Fiona Lim: Satu, dua kucing berlari'
                   Manakan sama si kucing belang
                    Kita boleh gayakan kebaya lagi
                    Tunggu aje Lenny kahwin sekarang

Lenny Wan: Dua tiga kucing berlari
                     Kucing belang bermain tali
                     Duit kahwin penat gua cari
                     Tapi habis dikaut si Leslie

Les Kwong: Sepupu Lisa asyik suka perli
                     Kenapa si laki belum cuti lagi
                     Kalo Lenny mau duit kahwin lagi
                     Jom mari main judi lagi

Joon Wan: Dua tiga kucing berlari
                  Salah-salah lompat masuk perigi
                  Si Leslie ajak main judi
                  Boleh dia keruk duit kita lagi

 Photos taken on 20th December 2014

The nyonyas in their sarong kebaya at Jean's and Lenny's wedding dinner at the Philea Resort, Melaka.

Photos taken on 23rd July 2016
A bevy of peranakan beauties with their beautiful sarong kebaya at Justin's and Sheila's wedding luncheon held at the Ramada Plaza, Melaka.


The little nyonyas

Nyonya pakai kebaya by Dolly Tupez on Youtube


  1. Sarung kebaya cantik menawan
    Apalagi dipakai nyonya sendiri
    Duit tu bukan jadi soalan
    Lenny mo kahwin semua pun jadi!

  2. Anak Cina pergi ke pekan,
    Cari kawan sambil makan-makan,
    Sungguh anggun barisan jelitawan,
    Nyonya Melaka memang tiada bandingan.

    Baba men pun boleh tahan,
    I know cos I married one!
    He may not be a "Wan"
    but he can be very "menawan" :-)

  3. Baba memang s'kali menawan,
    Budi baik pun mesti dipuji,
    Lenny kahwin, kebaya dah tayangkan,
    Baba dan Nyonya turut janji.

  4. Hi there, the singer in the video posted is my grandfather, he is popularly known as Doli Tupaz. Thanks for sharing his music. Joyce Tupaz

  5. Hi Joyce, thanks for sharing the interesting info. May I know where you are residing now? Hope you can share more info about your grandpa and his music.

    1. Sure. I'm Singaporean but am now residing in KL as my husband is working here. My whole family is in SG and I can ask my dad for more info. My grandpa was a famous for his branyo music. He was Eurasian, Portuguese and Filipino mix, he married a Eurasian, British Portuguese.My mum is Peranakan Teochew. She used a red kebaya like the one above for my wedding :) About my grandpa's music, correspond via email? Sorry if this is a double post, I had replied this morning but I don't see my reply now, so Im writing again.

  6. Hi Joyce, thanks for sharing the info about your grandpa . You can email me at

  7. I'm in the midst of writing hence can I borrow and quote this pantun above ... TQ

    Tinggi tinggi pokok pinang
    Tinggi lagi pokok kelapa
    Cantik cantik anak Pulau Pinang
    Cantik lagi nyonya Melaka

    1. Hi Baba Soo, you are most welcome to use the pantun. Wish you happy writing.
