
Monday, June 23, 2014

Buah sukun goreng ( Breadfruit fritters )

Buah sukun goreng ( Breadfruit fritters )

Ribbon-like, young  petai pods at the tips of slender boughs  sway gently in the morning breeze while beyond it, above a tree line, a coconut palm tosses its feathery head. Nearby, dense kesidang creepers festoon a fence, its white blossoms filling  the air with its faint fragrance. Within a fenced area a hen clucks and a lone rooster let out a lonesome crow. The sight, smell and sound are reminiscent of a kampung scene.

However, my wife and I are enjoying the rustic ambience in my sis place at Ujung Pasir, right  in Melaka Town. We are sitting at a table of an open kitchen while my sis, Juliet , is busy deep frying buah sukun for breakfast. Above a kitchen wall, among a tangled mass of verdant vegetation, we  see  a sukun tree and my wife take a snapshot of the tree.

The sukun tree seen above the kitchen wall

Noticing our interest my sis says,

“We’ll take a look at the sukun tree after breakfast.”

Less than twenty minutes, the deep fried buah sukun ( breadfruit fritters ) and a bowl of melted palm sugar are placed before us. We dip the fritter in the melted palm sugar and we find the sweetness of the palm sugar complements and enhances  the  potato-like taste of the fried buah sukun and its lightly coated crunchy batter.

Buah sukun goreng (breadfruit fritters) and a bowl of melted palm sugar

After breakfast, treading gingerly across a pebble-strewn ground carpeted with creepers, we make our way toward the sukun tree. Along the way we spot a kantan plant  ( torch ginger plant) and my wife took a photo of it.

Bunga kantan( torch ginger) plant

We reach the sukun treea and our eyes scan the tree in search of the fruits.

Buah sukun among the large leaves

 Among the large leaves we spot a few fruits and my sis points to us two moderately ripe buah sukun which are just right for making buah sukun goreng (fried breadfruit fritters).

Moderately ripe buah sukun

 She then explains to us how to make buah sukun goreng.


1. Peel and slice the buah sukun.

Sliced buah sukun

2. Batter:
    (i) 1 cup of wheat flour
    (ii) 2 tablespoon of rice flour
    (iii) A pinch of salt
    (iii) ice- cold water
    (iv) cooking oil for deep frying
3. Palm sugar


1.   Mix well wheat flour, rice flour and salt. Slowly add in ice-cold water until you get the right consistency.
2.   Heat oil in a frying pan or wok
3.   When the oil temperature reaches 185 C deep fry the well coated buah sukun until golden brown.
4.   Place the sukun goreng on paper towel for it to absorb the excess oil.

5.   Serve with melted palm sugar 

1 comment:

  1. R.M. Ballantyne
    The Coral Island

    Soon afterwards we arrived at the foot of the hill, and prepared to ascend it. Here Jack made a discovery which caused us all very great joy. This was a tree of a remarkably beautiful appearance, which Jack confidently declared to be the celebrated bread-fruit tree.

    “Is it celebrated?” inquired Peterkin with a look of great simplicity.

    “It is,” replied Jack.

    “That’s odd, now,” rejoined Peterkin; “I never heard of it before.”

    “Then it’s not so celebrated as I thought it was,” returned Jack, quietly squeezing Peterkin’s hat over his eyes; “but listen, you ignorant boobie! and hear of it now.”

    R.M. Ballantyne
    The Coral Island
