
Friday, September 26, 2014

Malayan Teachers' Training College, Liverpool: Flashback

Malayan Teachers' Training College, Kirkby, Liverpool: Flashback


a poem that will  take you on a nostalgic journey to the halcyon days of our youth in Kirkby

The below poem was specially written by Lean Aing for The Dreamgirls (the evergreen Kirkby College nightingales)  to perform as a rap at the Kirkby Reunion in Penang ( 6-8 June 2014 ). 

'The Dreamgirls'
From L to R: Esther Soh, Lim Wee Hee, Wong Siew Hoon, Vimala K
Cheah Lean Aing, Diana Tan, Yoong Chew Hing
Photo credit: Lean Aing

By Cheah Lean Aing

Freshie Green, Freshie Queen
Big Green Bow, Go with the flow
Black track-suits, Warm winter boots
Sputnik Curry, Best you hurry
Fish and Chips, Smack your lips
Kirkby Store, Stuff galore
Carter's Arms, Had its charms
With ten pounds, Treasures found

Informal Dance, Skills enhance
Lecture notes, Famous quotes
Lecture rooms, Knowledge blooms
Teaching Prac. , Don't you slack
Exam. fever, Be a winner!
Fire-places, New romances
Malayan Medley, Quaint and merry
Esprit de Corps, Like days of yore

"For Knowledge and Truth", A Beacon in our youth
They're the things , To which we cling
Memories of Kirkby, Thru' half a century

Kirkbyites, Let's unite!
Kirkbyites, Show your light!

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