
Friday, December 7, 2018

Kirkbyites Rendezvous in Melaka

Kirkbyites Rendezvous in Melaka

By  T. Balasubramaniam ( Kirkby 1958-1959)

Dear Kirkbyites, Our 2 day Kirkbyites Rendezvous in Melaka ended on Tuesday 09.05.2017. It was indeed a memorable event which Dato Kandan, President of the Alumni described in his speech as even better than the 2016 Reunion which he and his committee organized .He was being modest but I can say the Melaka Rendezvous was truly a fun filled event. We had an interesting Baba &Nyonya Show, a City Tour and a River Cruise. The Melodians performed superbly and the 2 MCs, Ling Suan and Sarjeet kept the crowd entertained during the 2 dinners. Chong Lay had asked me to post some pictures and so here are some that were taken during the cruise, City Tour, Baba &Nyonya show and the dinner. 

The Baba and Nyonya Show

Tarian Bakul Siah

Dato Kenny and wife performing a peranakan skit

The Melodians

City Tour

Sweet memories of Melaka

At the Stadhuys

River Cruise

Cruising down the Melaka River

I am also posting some of the feedback that I received. My purpose in doing this is to highlight to you what a great time we have when we get together and to encourage all of you to attend the next Reunion that will be organize by Kesavapany next year in Johor Bahru.


“Dear Bala Thank You very much for organizing the wonderful Kirkbite Reunion in Malacca All of us enjoyed the get together very much This was evident by the participation of very senior members in their 80s taking part in the usual Kirkby style dances after the dinner We really appreciate the effort that you had put in to organize the event It definitely was no easy task We were indeed sad that in your closing speech you mentioned that this is the last Reunion that you will organize Thank you Bala for organizing a Happy and Memorable Reunion in Malacca K Nadarajah”

 “Hi Bala, I find it hard to put in writing to adequately express my appreciation for your great effort in organizing the Malacca Rendezvous single-handedly. It was a great success. Those who did not attend missed a great fun-time !! Chong Hong Chong” 

“Thank you Bala for the enjoyable & memorable time in Melaka. Congrats to you for putting together such a fun filled programme for the Rendezvous . Our thanks to your wife & your friend Dr. Selva too . Best of health to you, Choo Ngan Kau & Chew Gek”

 “Bala Our deepest appreciation for your most enjoyable Kirkby Rendevous in Maleka Wee Hee n Yan Pin” 

“Thanks Bala and all friends for making this a great trip,Adeline Louis.”

 “Bala, Jane & I thoroughly enjoyed the rendezvous, meeting up old and new friends. Your superb organisation ably assisted by our delightful and amiable DrSelva and your lively wife made the trip memorable. Thank you Surjeet and Ling Suan for a job well done as MCs. I didn't realise I could still do the twist....without bending of course 😜😆. Thank you everyone for your friendship and camaraderie even though we never got to talk to everyone individually. Looking forward to JB. With Pany as the flag bearer we have nothing to worry. Zainal Arshad “ 

“Thank you Bala for such a wonderful n enjoyable Kirkby Reunion in Malacca.Thank Dr. Selva too for looking out for us before n after the rondezvous in Malacca.A great n wonderful job well done KohPuay Neo” 

“The Kirkby spirit in you burns bright. Proud of your selfless service.Tunku Aziz Ibrahim”

 “A good job well done, Bala. All praises well deserved. Kandan o/b/o The Alumni” “Mr&MrsJagjeet Singh What amazed me the most was seeing how the kirkbyites n the crowd couldn’t stop dancing and swaying as if hungry for more. It was as if i had to put all their revelry to a sudden stop. That was painful n cruel. Here there were seniors with all sorts of ailments wanting to go on and on right fr the word Go but i had to stop them. Oh that was hard. The nite was not enough for the party revellers!” 

"Dear Bala, thank you very much for everything. You had done a great job organizing this trip. We both truly enjoyed ourselves thanks to your kind encouragement. Thanks again. Take care... from Fork Sin Mun and Edward." 

"Yes Bala the Malacca Rendezvous was a great success. It was the most enjoyable and memorable one. Thanks to you and your wife. Kim Giam."

Below is a Slideshow of the rendezvous in Melaka for your viewing pleasure.

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