
Monday, July 13, 2020

MTTC Kirkby Photo Gallery

Photos compiled by Wan Chwee Seng

1959 -1960 Batch

The BOAC  plane that transported us from Sungei Besi Airport to Gatwick Airport
The plane made brief stopovers for refueling at Bangkok, Karachi, Bahrein and Rome and a night stopover at Calcutta/

" Halfway across the tarmac, I paused to look and wave at the indistinct figures at the viewing gallery, as my mum, two sisters, uncle, auntie and a cousin were among the many parents, relatives and friends who were watching their loved ones boarding a plane that would take us 8,000 miles to our new home at the Teachers' Training College, Kirkby Liverpool."_Wan Chwee Seng

Boarding the plane Notice the anxious and doleful looks written on the faces of the young students.
From L to R: Siva, Johnny Khoo, Hamid, Esther
Photo credit Johnny Khoo 


Stopover at Bangkok Airport
L to R: Rosalyn Chew, Peggy Fong, Cheah Lean Aing
Photo credit Robert Tay

Stopover at Karachi
Standing L to R: Manasseh, Ramakrishnan, Tan Ooi Tee, Balwant Singh
Kneeling L to R: Cheng Swee, Ajit Singh
Photo courtesy of Ooi Tee

At Karachi Airport
L to R: Tan Teong Kooi, Chow Lye Meng, Monica Phang, Siew Leng

At Karachi Airport
L to R: Ooi Tee, Cheng Swee, Amy Grace Tekkah, Lau Siew Suan, Lye Meng
Photo credit Ooi Tee

In a coach enroute to Kirkby College
Mr Struthers welcoming the students
Photo credit: Ooi Tee

Events and Functions

Fancy Dress Parade

Block 9 freshies

Block 8 freshies with their creations
Photo credit Mimi Foo

Block8 Fancy dress parade
Photo credit Ooi Tee

Freshies gather at the college field to display their creativity
Photo credit Johnny Khoo

1959 : Freshie Mimi Foo with senior Cheah Teong Teik
Photo credit Mimi Foo

1960: Senior lady Mimi Foo with freshie Mimi Hew

De-bowing Ceremony

De-bowing Ceremony: Each freshie had been assigned a senior from the opposite sex to remove the green bow
Photo courtesy of Ooi Tee

De-bowing ceremony: Waiting for the green bow to be removed
Photo courtesy of Johnny Khoo

" Now you are a junior," senior lady, Zahorin bte Hj Mohd Arof tells freshie, Ooi Tee, as she removes the green bow from his lapel
Photo credit Ooi Tee

Welcome Dance

Freshie, Mimi Foo dancing with senior sir, Mahinder Singh at the Welcome Dance
Photo credit Mimi Foo

Johnny Khoo and partner rocking to the music

Academic Groups

Group A
Seated L to R: Monica Phang, Rosalyn Chew, Sarabjit Kaur, Mr Barnes, Louise Kesler, Lim Cheng Bee, Toh Gek Leng
Standing L to R: Manjit Singh, Cheah Phee Chye, Chow Siew Hah, JohnnyOng, Tan Ooi Tee, Lau Siew Suan, Lee Kam Hon, Bella Ho, Sukhdev Singh, Oswald Schokman
Kneeling: L Louis Adeline, Yoong Chew Hing

Group B
Sitting L to R: Ivy Tan, Gracy George  Lim Siew Leng, Choo Ewe Keat, Charles Gabriel, Tan Ling, Suan, Wong Ho Ying, Mimi Foo
Standing L to R: Low Mui Chuan, Vimala Kandiah, Lim Swee Ee, Wong Shue Keng, Ang Seng Chye, Balwant Singh, Chen Tien Pow, Nancy Varghese, Tam Kam Moon, Liomg Ah Lin, Douglas Gomez
Photo credit: Mimi Foo

Group D
Sitting L to R: Sharifah Mastura, Maimunah Hashim, Rita Rodrigues, Azian bte Yusof
Standing L to R: Ruby Isaac, Magdalene Chong Mee Loon, Pooranajothy, Kasinathar, Helena Liew Shue Fei, Normah

Group D
Sitting L to R: Rahim Isa, Jaikishan, Harbajan Singhm Zainal Abidin
Standing L to R: Leslie Foo See Jork, Lawrence John, Tay Soo Hock, Rahim Dalip, Joseph John, Wan Chwee Seng
Photo courtesy of Robert Tay

Ready for lecture; thickly garbed against the December chill
L to R: Adeline Louis, Amy Grace Tekkah, Monica Phang, Sarabjit Kaur, Angelo Wong Ho Ming, Tan Ooi Tee, Oswald Schokman, Manjit Singh

Fine winter morning
L to R: Toh Cheng Kee, Monica Phang, Low Kim See, Mimi Foo, Amy Grace Tekkah, Senior lady?

Time to discard the overcoats
L to R: Ooi Tee, Amy Tekkah, Maimunah Hashim, Louise Kessler, Charles Gabriel

Sitting on the campus lush, green grass and enjoying the crisp morning air
Back row: Tan Guan Hock, Adeline Louis, Oswald Schokman, Theresa Leow, Tan Vin Quen, Agnes Loo, Lim Wee Hee
Photo courtesy of Vin Quen


Art and Craft

Outdoor sketching
From L to R: Teh Tien Chong, Tan Teong Kooi, Wan Chwee Seng

]Artwork on display

Physical Education

Trip down the Hay River
" Our camp at Tintern Abbey ( immortalized in William Wordsworth-s poem of the same name: _ Ooi TTee

Tan Ooi Tee and Ho Chee Eng shooting down the rapid

Practical Teaching

Mimi Foo and Lawrence John at the Kingsway County Secondary School

Conducting gymnastic' lesson for the boys. It was a large class and required team teaching. Three teachers were involved in teaching the class."_Ooi Tee

Johnny Khoo with his pupils during Teaching Practice

Tan Vin Quen with some of his pupils at the entrance to Kirkby College

Posing for our group photo afterr our Teaching Practice

Mealtime in the dining hall. Students eat together irrespective of sex, race or creed

Formal dinner with college  lecturers
L to R: Oen Wan Foo, Khoo Jin Eng, Chung Kok Hiong, Jimmy Lee Chong Lay, Mimi Foo, Mr. W.L. Jones ( Geography lecturer ) Mrs. Jones

Block Niners with their guests at a Chinese New Year Dinner

Ooi Tee and Ramakrishnan in front of Kirkby Store and Chisnall's

The Fish and Chips store which stood outside the college gate. The store was well patronised by  the oft hungry students.
L tto R: Ooi Tee and Ramakrishnan after their trip to Kirkby Store

Ooi Tee in front of Chisnall:s where he used to buy his cigarettes, milk and biscuits. Behind him is the familiar look-alike Andy Capp who would often flash a toothless smile at the customers,.

1959 College Basketball Team 

1959 College Rugger Team
Photo credit: Vin Quen

1959 College cricket team

Back Row L-R: Charles Gabriel, Cheah Phee Chye, Choong Cheng Swee, Seripala, Krishnan, Choo Ewe Keat, Lee Mun Kee, Hashim Khusari, ......?
Sitting L-R: John Daniel, Ajit Singh, Ahmad Omar, Nadarajah, Amthullah Begum
Front Row L-R:  Fan Sin Quang, Leong Fook Kin, Douglas Gomez
Photo credit: Choong Cheng Swee

1959 College soccer team

Back Row L-R: Rahim Isa, Choo Ewe Keat, Chong Hong Chong, Subramaniam
Middle Row L-R: Choong Cheng Swee, Ong Kee Jin, .......?
Front Row L-R: Zainal Abidin,  Noordin, .........., Fan Sin Quang, Huang Soon Ngak
Photo credit: Choong Cheng Swee

1959 College Badminton Team
1st  Row L to R: Frances Jones, Theresa Leow
2nd Row L to R : Krishnan s/o Vairamuttoo, Fung Swee Weng, Cikgu Baharuddin, Lee Kam Hon
3rd Row L to R: Fan Sin Quang, Cheah Lean Aing, Tan Tian Tew, Saw Seok Lay
Photo courtesy of Cheah Lean Aing

1959 College Netball Team
Photo credit: Cheah Lean Aing

Block 9 Hockey Team
Photo credir: Robert Tay

Cross-Country Run
Photo credit: Johnny Khoo

Cross-Country Run
Photo credit: Mimi Foo

Waiting for the prize giving ceremony

Sports prize-giving Ceremony
The College principal, 'Papa Gurney; giving away the prizes
Photo credit: Johnny Khoo

Informal Dance

Malayan Medley

Musical Evening 1959
Photo courtesy of Mimi Foo

Chinese New Year dragon dance troupe
Photo courtesy of Lean Aing

Johnny Khoo and Shirley Loong performing a Chinese Cultural dance at an Annual Concert

At a satay party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calder for the Tutorial Group
Top Row Standing from Lto R: Fan Sin Quang, Choong Cheng Swee, Choo Ewe Keat
Sitting L to R: Agnes Loo, Mr. Calder, Mrs. Calder, Chong Mee Loon
Sitting front row L to R: Chua Kim Giam,  Cheong Kwai Cheong John Daniel, Ahmad Omar, Sukhdev Singh
Photo courtesy of Lean Aing

Garden Party hosted by British Council 1959
L to R: Chong Hong Chong, Chen Phin Har, Guests, Low Chee Kong
Photo courtesy of Lean Aing

Party at Block 10, 1959
L-R Back Row: Gladys Chua, Kok Choon Thye, Guest, Chia Soo Itt, Mum's daughter, Gracy George, Mahinder Kaur
Middle Row sitting from L to R: Poorana Jothy, Ruby Isaac, Block mum
Front Row from L-R: Rosalyn Chew, Mimi Foo, Lim Cheng Bee, Cheah Lean Aing
Photo courtesy of Lean Aing

Johnny Khoo at the billiard table in the recreation hall

A social gathering  at the S.E.A.S. Room on the occasion of Fr. Ramsbottom birthday
Front row: Balwant Singh, Yoong Chiew Hing, Joseph John, Gladys Chua, Lee Sing Kuan, Chong Cheh Sai,Ong Phaik Choo, Anne Yeoh, Bella Ho, Arulmalar Kandiah
2nd Row: Angeline Ong, Father Jenkins, Father Ramsbottom, Mr. J. Keneddy, Anne Goh
3rd Row: Chia Soo Itt, Kok Choon Tai, Wong Hung Ling, Anna Thamboe, S. Nageswari, Salma Deen, Yap Foong Ming, Kanmani Kathirpillay, Ngiam Swee Hong, Tan Kam Moon, Sally Siow
Back Row" T. Arulnananthan, Amy Tekkah, Louise Kessler, John Loh, Charles Gabriel, John Fernandez, Adeline Louis, Yong Ah Kow, Gan Chin Seng, Yoong Yan Pin
Top Row: Yong Tai Tean
Photo courtesy of Joseph John

Summer vacation 1959

Tour Group to Europe
Standing L to R:: Wan Chwee Seng, Chen Phin Har, Johnny Kboo ( who happened to meet our group) Rosalyn Chew, Tan Joo Suat, Yeoh Phaik Ngor, Chua Kim Giam, Khoo Jin Eng
Kneeling: Chong Cheng Swee, Lim Cheng Bee, Parasakthi

Another tour group photo for the album. All photos taken during the summer vacation in Europe are courtesy of our group photographer, the late Khoo Jin Eng.

Waiting for our transport

Leaning Tower of Pisa

At the Trevi Fountain, Rome
L to R; Chua Kim Giam, Lim Cheng Bee, Wan Chwee Seng, Rosalyn Chew, Tan Joo Suat

Summer vacation 1960

Our tour group to Spain and Portugal which was featured in a Spanish newspaper
Back row L to R: Cheng Swee, Lean Aing, Manjit Singh, Nellie Khoo, Maureen Seet,  Anne Tan, Carmen Balhetchet,
Front Row: Wan Chwee Seng, Maria Yew, Ooi Phaik Choo, Mimi Foo, Tan Vin Quen

Easter vacation in Ireland

On board a ferry to Ireland
From L to R: Cheah Lean Aing, Mimi Foo, Toh Gek Leng, Liew Shew Fei, Yoong Chew Hing, Lim Wee Hee

Enjoying the sunshine in an Irish park
From L to R: Lim Swee Ee, Yoong Chiew Hing, Liew Shew Fei, Mimi Foo Cheah Lean Aing

Boat trip in Ireland
From L to R: Toh Gek Leng, Mimi Foo, Cheah Lean Aing, Yoong Chew Hing, Boatman, Liew Shew Fei

Rowing down the river

Tour group to Ireland
L to R: Philomena James, Theresa Leow, Wan Chwee Seng, Tok Toong Kien, Louise  Kessler

Horseback riding in Killarney, Ireland
L to R : Philomena James, Louise  Kessler, Tok Toong Kien, Theresa Leow, Wan Chwee Seng

Johnny Khoo attempting to kiss the Blarney Stone

Tour of England, Scotland and Wales

Mimi Foo taking in the panoramic view of Loch Lomond in Scotland

At Anne Hathaway's Cottage at Stratford -On- Avon
Photo courtesy of Johnny Khoo

A walk down memory lane with Ooi Tee

'I remember walking down the path to the main gate, The railway tracks are to my left, down an embankment. The path behinds me leads to the main road to a T junction. Kirkby Store and Chisnall's are across the road to to the left. To my right, obscured by shrubs, is the Fish and Chips store."

At the  main gate to Kirkby College
L mto R: Mimi Foo, Azian Yusof, Samsiah Baharuddin
" We were from MGS, Ipoh and were classmates since Form One" _ Mimi Foo

A group of  Kirkbyites who hailed from Seremban had a pleasant  surprise when their former Mathematics teacher, Mrs.. Stewart, came all the way from Scotland to pay them a visit on the 4th of July 1960. Coincidentally, Mr. Stewart was the manager of Kirby Estate in Negri Sembilan.
Standing L to R: Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Stewart, Sally Siow, Tam Kam Moon
Sitting L to R: Bathmavathy, Arumalar, Poon Marn Ching, Mary Siow, Matron, Theresa Cham

Big and heavy items were packed in wooden crates and shipped by the MS Antenor from Liverpool to Port Swettenham

Goodbye until we meet again !

After two memorable years of living together in 'kampung Kirkby' we are finally back in Malaya. As we say goodbye to our Kirkby brothers and sisters and go our separate ways, deep in our hearts, we know we may be able to reconnect with some while there are others whom we will never meet again.
Photo courtesy of Joseph John

The MTTC Kirkby Photo Gallery is the combined effort of my many Kirkby brothers and sisters especially from the 1959-60 batch. This project would not be possible without their kind help, commitment and contributions. 

A huge thanks to the following for contributing photos/ captions to the gallery: Tan Ooi Tee from Edmonton, Canada; Johnny Khoo from Toronto, Canada; Robert Tay Soo Hock and Mimi Foo from Sydney, Australia; Cheah Lean Aing, Choong Cheng Swee, Tan Vin Quen and Joseph John from Malaysia.
A special thanks to Cheah Lean Aing, Mimi Foo, and Angeline Ong for helping to put names to the faces in the photos. Your painstaking task of researching and identifying the people in the photos are greatly appreciated


  1. Hi. Lovely pics. Incidentally, I was born in Ormskirk and my brother in Liverpool. We are Chegu Nasir’s children. Would love to hear from you. My name is Nora.

  2. Hi Nora it comes as a pleasant surprise to see your comment in my blog posting. As you may have read in my other postings , your dad taught me in TMS Kuala Pilah and was my Bahasa Melayu lecturer in Kirkby. When I went for my further study at USM I was surprised to meet him there. Such a small world. My contact number is
    You can Whatsapp me at the above number. Looking forward to hearing from you.
